IEC 60870-5 (-101, -102, -103, -104)
IEC 60870-5 is a general protocol definition developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Technical Committee 57. It is an outline for the structure of a protocol and can only be implemented with a companion standard (profile) to specify options such as one of five link layer formats. Triangle MicroWorks has implemented protocol stacks for all of the currently defined profiles: 101, 102, 103, and 104. The 101 profile has been adopted by the Substation Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society (1379-2000) as a recommended practice for RTU-IED communication.
Source Code Library Overview
Triangle MicroWorks’ Software Libraries provide a cost-effective means of supporting industry-standard protocols in your device. Incorporating our Software Libraries in your products will shorten development time, freeing internal resources to work on company proprietary aspects of your products. Triangle MicroWorks Software Libraries are available in two formats: .NET Protocol Components for incorporation in Windows .NET-based products, and ANSI-Standard C Source Code Libraries for all other platforms.
Triangle MicroWorks’ IEC 60870-5 libraries include these features:
Clock synchronization commands using bitmapped time/date information objects are compensated for transmission and processing delays.
Supports any applicable physical communication network including RS 232/485 and TCP/IP.
Supports both balanced and unbalanced link layer configuration using zero, one, or two octet address fields (IEC 60870-5-101 only).
- Can be used in event-driven or non-event-driven environments.
Extensive, built-in (but removable) diagnostics including a protocol analyzer used to visually decipher protocol messages. The diagnostic and analyzer strings can be directed to any target system display device, even a serial port or RAM buffer.
Provides support for statistics of communication protocol errors such as bad checksum, incorrect synchronization byte, and invalid frame length to help identify faulty communication lines.
- Security features to support IEC 62351 specification including TLS encryption and Secure Authentication
Learn more about IEC 60870-5
Learn more about the IEC 60870-5 communication protocol with our training videos