In this free introductory training, attendees will gain an overview of IEC 61850, a critical standard in the field of substation automation. We’ll delve into its historical context, tracing the evolution of substation communications from copper-based systems to proprietary protocols and beyond. We’ll review the need for a better, faster, and more cost-effective solution including the introduction of Modbus, DNP3, and IEC 61850. Then we’ll go into a deeper exploration of the high-level components of IEC 61850, including the underlying communication protocols specifically GOOSE, SV, and MMS-based Client/Server communication, as well as the machine-readable System Configuration Language (SCL) file format and the associated engineering process. Finally, we’ll discuss how these elements culminate in the concept of the Digital Substation, exemplified by real-world cases. Attendees will leave with a solid foundation in IEC 61850 and its relevance in modern power systems.
This information will be reinforced with a demonstration during the training using our simulation & monitoring tools. By attending this training, you will get access to the workspaces demonstrated and detailed exercises, allowing you to reproduce these concepts on your computer using free evaluation licenses to our tools.
This is Part 1 of a free multipart training series. If you’d like to sign up to receive notifications on the future training modules, click here to be added to the email list.
Future training modules include the following topics:
Data Modeling & SCL Introduction
Bottom-Up vs Top-Down IEC 61850 Engineering Process
Communications in 61850 MMS Client/Server, GOOSE and Sampled Values
Testing, Commissioning, and Virtual Isolation
IEC 61850 Engineering Process including Application Modeling (BAPs)
Security in IEC 61850
Time Sync and Product Guidelines for Digital Substations