UCA IOP Certified! DTM Certificate
Improvements to the DTM GUI including to workflow and data presentation, a new streamlined DTM admin/services connection process, and updated workspace node icons.
Added support for IEC 61131 including Function Block Diagrams.
Enhanced Test Actions to add the ability to manage test actions and better management of saving and updating Actions process.
Added the ability to implement functional node behaviors using IEC 61131 and added IEC 61850-6-100 support.
TLS Improvements including updated certificates in all of our samples and support for TLSv1.3 for IEC 61850.
IEC 61850 Enhancements including KDC, Sampled Values Enhancements and better flexiblity for misconfigured SCL files.
KDC - Triangle's KDC Client is now integrated into DTM to facilitate Key Management for Secure IEC 61850 GOOSE and Sampled Values, when used in conjunction with the Garibaldi KDC server (sold separately).
Import Substation renamed to Import IEDs from SCD and GOOSE Adapter configuration added to auto import.
Improved functionality and new functions for JavaScript for a wider range of test sets.
Various bug fixes including Removal of generation of duplicate SV and GOOSE packets, a rare memory leak, reduce timeouts between the services, and improved stability of the services and DTMAdministrator.
Updated DTM Interface with a new DTM Start Page for easy access to predefined workspaces, technical documentation, training videos and technical support.
Added MDNP Support for File Transfer
Improved performance of devices simulation and GUI
Added IEC 60870-5-101/104 Secure Authentication functionality
Added support for folders in the Load/Save workspace dialog to allow users to organize workspaces Improved IEC 61850 controls, GOOSE configuration and logging Various bug fixes (see release notes for details)
Added a multi-device editor that can create or re-configure multiple devices, channels, adapters, and sessions across multiple hosts at the same time. Added support for IEC 60870-6 (ICCP/TASE.2) communication protocol Added 64-bit support for larger simulations Updated user interface with more capabilities and improved ease of use Added new point list capability to select and show specific points across multiple devices Improved handling of resource files including capability to monitor IEC 61850 SCL files for changes Enhanced many scripting functions to return improved information upon execution Improved statistics for simulated devices Improved multi-device editor including filtering and search options Added phasor diagram and other enhancements for IEC 61850 Sampled Values Added support for routable GOOSE for IEC 61850 Expanded IEC 61850 model view to filter data across multiple IEDs Added capability to “zip” log files to send to technical support
Added support to register JavaScript callback to specify behavior of IEC 61850 controls Added ability to check for updates for DTM Implemented an application level heartbeat to monitor DTHosts on the DTM Network
Added a multi-device editor that can create or re-configure multiple devices, channels, adapters, and sessions across multiple hosts at the same time. Improved simulation options for CSV file playback, auto-data changes, scripting, and commands. Simulation options can be configured easily across the entire DTM workspace. Improved auto data changes so the user can be select specific points to change based on DNP3 class, IEC 61850 data sets or functional constraint, IEC 60870-5 interrogation group, or custom configuration. Added ability to view all points points across devices in one point list (right click on top of workspace -> show -> point list). Expanded support for IEC 61850 Sampled Values for both publishers and subscribers. Made multiple improvements to IEC 61850 commands and browsing. Added support for IEC 61850 File Transfer. Added option to execute scripts in DTHost processes which allows the script to run on the same process on the same computer as the simulated device. Added capability to multi-select nodes (devices, folders, scripts, etc.) in both the Workspace and Network views. This allows invoking the same function across multiple nodes with one click. Added ability to configure database for DNP3, IEC 60870, and Modbus Masters. Added support of drag and drop of DTHost(s) to different computers in network tab. Added option to automatically create and delete DTHosts as needed when loading a saved workspace. Added support to show IEC 61850 data model in flat point list which allows more filtering capability. Added scripting support for DNP3 and IEC 60870-5 controls. Added support for 16 bit registers in Modbus. Added support for DNP3 Pulse On/Off controls. Please take note of a couple changes to DTM workspaces when upgrading to DTM Version 1.2.0: The ‘yield’ JavaScript function in InSight has been deprecated. The new ‘delay’ function should be used instead. Workspace commands have been reworked to improve usability and flexibility. Workspaces saved in DTM V1.1.0 or earlier may not load correctly in DTM Version 1.2.0 or later. Commands will need to be added back to the workspace in V1.2.0.
Improved the organization and management of multiple simulated devices in DTM workspaces Enhanced the ability to configure multiple devices from a CSV file or IEC 61850 SCL Files Enhanced IEC 61850 Object Model Viewer Added capability for an IEC 61850 Client in DTM to perform discovery of an IEC 61850 Object Model for real or simulated IEDs Increased support for configuration of IEC 61850 Control Blocks for GOOSE, Sampled Values, Reports, and Logs Enhanced CSV data playback capability to simulate data changes across multiple simulated devices for all supported protocols Added automatic check for DTM software updates Added capabilities to save/restore multiple layouts, save protocol analyzer logs, start/stop DTM Hosts automatically, and store workspaces in folders managed by a source control system
Improved support of serial channels Added capability to configure security parameters for all supported protocols Improved stability when simulating multiple devices and when distributing simulation
Added GOOSE Viewer to display IEC 61850 GOOSE messages Added Report Viewer to display IEC 61850 Reports Added capability for IEC 61850 External Reference event subscriptions in JavaScript
Added support for DNP3 Secure Authentication
Triangle MicroWorks, Inc. Sales: +1 919.870.5101 Support: +1 919.781.1931 Fax: +1 919.870.6692 sales@TriangleMicroWorks.com support@TriangleMicroWorks.com