What's New - 61850 Test Suite Pro

Current Release: v4.7.3
Release Date:  June 2024

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Newest Features in this Release

  • The application has been updated to include a new version of the NDIS driver that adds compatibility with Windows 11.

  • Added an “Abort Connections” button to the server simulator that will disconnect each client that is currently connected to the server

61850 Test Suite Repackage

  • Hammer and Anvil have been combined into a single application called 61850 Test Suite Pro
  • SCL Forge has been repackaged into SCL Navigator which will be released separately from 61850 Test Suite starting in Q4 2017

Hammer/Anvil Upgrade Information

Key Additions to Recent Releases


  • KDC Implementation: Added the ability to configure a Routed GOOSE publisher or subscriber to communicate with a Key Distribution Center (KDC) Server in order to establish a secure, encrypted connection.


  • Sequence of Events: Added a new tool to capture a sequence of events via GOOSE/Reports.

  • Logic Analyzer: Allow the user to export/import data points from the logic analyzer to a .csv file.

  • Advanced Client: Added a command to allow ‘Select and Operate’ on a data object.

  • Advanced Client: Reorganized the commands on the Ribbon to simplify the GUI.

  • Test Sequencer: Allow the user to change the IED’s associated with a test.


  • Added an option to enforce the Strict/Legacy Parser. An alternate parser has been added to be able to ignore certain elements in the SCL file to successfully load the devices from the file.

  • Added columns for the # of Clients supported. The new column indicates the number of clients that can connect to the server at a given time.

  • Updates have been made to Connecting and the Connection Status Column. Devices will not auto connect by default, but can be set to auto connect in the Options. Toolbar controls have been added for Connecting all IEDs, Disconnecting all IEDs, and Testing all connections.

  • Added an option to Auto Scale the diagram in the Signal Flow to show all the nodes.

  • In the Signal Flow and Logic Analyzer, you can right click on the timeline to display or export an SOE log of all the events shown on the timeline.

  • Added the ability to change the background colors of the IED nodes in the Signal Flow.

  • Added an option to show Sequence of Events on the Signal Flow and the Logic Analyzer.

  • Added a tool in the GOOSE Tracker to capture ReTrans data for the GOOSE streams currently being tracked. The user can turn on GOOSE ReTrans in the sniffer.

  • Auto connect to servers is now disabled by default and can be configured on the File | Options | Client Configuration screen.

  • An option has been added to disable all background polling to retrieve data on the File | Options | Client Configuration screen.

  • Added an option to the File | Options | Display Settings screen to disable subscribing nodes when a data object is dragged to the Signal Flow.

  • The sniffer can now be started even if no workspace is loaded. When a workspace is loaded the adaptors used by the devices in the workspace are added to the sniffer. The selected adaptors can be changed by clicking on the ‘Start Sniffer’ button while holding CTRL.


  • Signal Flow now displays if an IED is in Simulation Mode(LPHD.Sim = TRUE).
  • Nodes in a Signal Flow indicate the behavior of the Behavior(ON/TEST/TESTBLOCKED/BLOCKED) of the corresponding Logical Node.
  • Links in the Signal Flow now indicate if a given input to a Logical Node is processed based on LGOS and Behavior of the subscribing Logical Node.
  • Simulated GOOSE signals are displayed in the Signal Flow based on LPHD.Sim and whether the subscribing Logical Node is receiving a simulated GOOSE signal.
  • Change in LPHD.Sim of the IED, LGOS of the subscribing IED and Behavior of the Logical Node can now be recorded in the Signal Flow.
  • Simulated GOOSE events can now be captured in the Signal Flow.


  • Summary of issues available for user to review before using the other tools/displays to verify, debug, or just learn about the system design.
  • Workspace tool is now the new System Status. The connection status is more detailed to help the user debug server connection issues
  • Reorganized the Tools menu to group like tools together and show the number of underlying Errors/Warnings in each tool that TSP has automatically detected in the System Status Group.
  • Added LGOS tool.  It provides a consolidated view of all the LGOS Logical Nodes which indicate if the device is actually receiving the GOOSE streams configured in the SCD file.
  • Added MOD/BEH/Sim tool which monitors Beh(Behavior) and allows users to change Mod and LPHD.Sim.

  • Test Suite Pro has been refined to support the following Test Methodology:
    • Connect TSP to Substation network or automatically generated simulation in DTM and load the SCL file.
    • Resolve or Acknowledge errors and warnings on the System Status group of tools.
    • Find signals in Data Miner to show in Signal Flows, One line diagrams, and Logic Analyzer Display to visually confirm the system behavior.
    • Create/perform Automated Functional testing of Protection and Control schemes with Test Sequencer.
  • Support to control a SMRT class Megger device from the Test Sequencer.

  • Introducing Test Suite Lite with limited functionality and lower price.

  • Workspaces can now be imported/exported in TSP.

  • Show the status of the GOOSE/Report/Sampled Value/Log control blocks based on whether the control block is Enabled/Disabled or Subscribed/Unsubscribed in the Advanced Client and the IED Simulator.
  • Added indication on the Data Objects/Data Attributes to show how the current value was acquired( SCL/Report/GOOSE/Read).
  • Redesigned the presets for Data Miner/Advanced Client/IED Simulator.


  • The Test Sequencer functionality was added to the Test Suite Pro. This tool allows the user to create a display and build a repeatable set of commands to run against the workspace. Tests are managed through the Test Explorer with provides a view of all Test Plans and Groups in the Workspace. The Test Builder, Commands, Step Details and Execution Log are utilized to create and run tests.
  • The Report Viewer display has been redesigned to allow the user to start and stop recording reports received by TSP in the Report Viewer.  
  • The GOOSE Viewer display has been redesigned to allow the user to start and stop recording GOOSE messages received by the TSP GOOSE Viewer.
  • Created a testing API for use on test tools, 6TH, Kema, OMICRON, UTInnovation, etc.
  • Added Clear to the GOOSE Tracker to allow messages to be cleared without stopping and starting the tracker.
  • Added subscribe to any GOOSE message from the GOOSE Tracker.
  • Modifying a value in the dataset in the GOOSE Publisher the state will increment automatically.
  • Added a Search Dialog to the top right of the SCL Viewer.
  • Display Virtual parts of the model in italics on the Advanced Client.
  • Made updates to the Signal Flow including the ability to “Send to Test Sequencer as Steps” and added the ability to use the events in the Signal Flow to create a verify step in the Test Sequencer.
  • Updated TSP to constantly monitor the SCD for changes.
  • Updates to the Custom Display including Shift + Mouse Click to select multiple items and ability to turn off Grid Lines and labeling for each drawing.
  • Display Virtual parts of the model in italics on the Advanced Client.


  • Signal Flow was added. The Signal Flow Diagram replaces the old wire connections shown on prints with animated GOOSE signals captured on a timeline that can be replayed one event at a time.  Tool tips on the signal lines show time stamps for the events on that signal. To determine exact timing between signals, see the Logic Analyzer (below).  
  • GOOSE Publisher Tool has been redesigned for improved usability. Additional error filtering has been added.
  • GOOSE Tracker Tool has been redesigned for improved usability. Additional error filtering has been added. The methods used to identify duplicate messages have been improved.
  • Protocol Analyzer window was added.  This new window includes messages that were displayed in the Output window in the previous version, but now includes details of GOOSE and MMS messages sent and received by the IEDs in the workspace.
  • The default tool presets have been improved and custom presets now indicate when a change has been made.  More default presets have been added to some tools.
  • The method of saving workspaces has been reworked to improve performance and stability.
  • A Quick Start dialog has been added at startup so opening a workspace is faster.



  • Logic Analyzer display was added. This can be used to chart real time values from multiple IEDs in a substation and includes time cursors for measuring time deltas between events. 
  • Added 32 bit release
  • Added Time Received in GOOSE Event Viewer. This helps in finding out of order events.
  • Added ability to copy Output window to the clipboard.
  • Added Max Client Connections setting in the server.
  • Added Time Synch checks when receiving GOOSE messages to ensure clocks are closed to synched.
  • IED Simulator now shows received ExtRef data under the Logical Node.Inputs section. As the data is received it is updated in the tree. This received data can then be mapped to another signal using the context menu. This allows the user to send GOOSE signals upon receiving GOOSE signals.
  • Added drag & drop and copy & paste capability to the Custom Display, the Logic Analyzer, the Data Monitor, and the Group Display.


  • Added new GOOSE Publisher tool for testing and troubleshooting GOOSE subscribers
  • New capability to create multiple custom displays in one workspace
  • Option to disable IED simulator and GOOSE publisher in a workspace to reduce memory and time to load workspace
  • Enhance data source filter in Data Miner to include custom data objects that use standard common data classes and also indexed objects


  • Version 4.0.2 is a major new release with many new features for making IEC 61850 testing easier
  • Combined Hammer and Anvil tools into a single application
  • Redesigned interface that is easier to use
  • Updated workspace approach for saving and loading configurations for multiple IED connections
  • Added Data Miner for finding data across multiple IEDs in a substation
  • Integrated filtering, grouping, and searching capabilities to navigate IED data models
  • Added Custom Display for easily visualizing data from multiple IEDs
  • Improved GOOSE and Sampled Values tracker for sniffing messages on the network
  • Updated support for 64 bit WindowsTM OS (32 bit Windows is only supported for v3.9 and earlier)
  • Published online product documentation available at trianglemicroworks.com/help/6tsp


  • Last release of Hammer, Anvil, SCL Forge as 61850 Test Suite
  • Added GOOSE Subscriber capability - subscribe to any or even all the GOOSE Control Blocks in any SCL File and see the current status (active, timeout, unsubscribed) for each GOOSE subscription
  • Added GOOSE Tracker - sniff for any GOOSE messages on the network. GOOSE found on the wire are compared to any SCL File to show which messages are expected and which are rogue
  • Improved checking in SCL Verify

v3.8.0 - Significantly faster discovery of Server Object Models
Better support for time stamps in File Services
Added support for private and text fields in EnumType elements

v3.7.0New licensing options including a network-based license and support for VM’s
Updated SCL File Checking with new tests and better debugging capability
Added ability to filter SCL File Checking results based on test type, severity, IED, and other parameters
Increased support of External References for Edition 1, Edition 2, and incomplete definitions for GOOSE and Sampled Values subscriptions
Improved both the consistency of testing results and usability of the tool

v3.6.1 - Added the ability to sort by columns in the Flat View pane
Added the ability to sort by columns in the Flat View pane
The Object Model now shows the relationships between a point's Timestamp, Quality, and Value in the Object Model
Reflect changes in GUI when Insight, Flow Charting, or JavaScript makes changes
to Report Controls or GOOSE Controls
Allow Clients and Servers created in JavaScript to be attached to the GUI in Insight
Added negative testing capabilities via JavaScript. A script runner GUI was added
that includes a suite of negative tests that can be run against any server. The GUI is
flexible enough to allow any script written by a user to integrate their own scripts
negative or positive
Added support for Setting Groups
Added Auto Scroll to Report, GOOSE, and Log viewers
Added ability to poll Datasets
Added ability to delete any dataset

v3.5.59Added SCL File Consistency and Completeness Check
Added menu option to update the datasets by reading them from the server

v3.5.54 -  Added “Perform Read During Discovery” option to a Client’s configuration
Added Open SSL Method to strong security configuration
Added PDU-size to Service Errors
Added support for Dynamic Data Sets with array indexes
Changed Algorithm for looking up ReportControls from RptId
EnableReportBlock now issues a read to ensure that its RptID is up to date
Allow all items except RptEna and TimeofEntry to be editable
Added “Enable raw” option to context menu option on Report Control Blocks to bypass automatic logic and simply issue a Write of the RptEna item
Added EntryID tracking
Added Simulation column in GOOSE Message Window (Ed. 2 requirement).
Added Inclusion bits to configuration that controls OSI fields

v3.5.41 - Made Workspace files standalone

v3.5.23 - Added ability to discover and validate against an SCL file

v3.5.15 - Added support for Ed.2, including Tracking Nodes, Security, Object Model changes, and new Function Constraints.  Added Simulation Files.




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